We know that hair loss is most of our nightmare and we have experienced ourselves at HAIR & SOUL too a few times in different levels, so when our clients are sharing with us their hair loss experience we are very passionate about helping them where we can.
They are a few type of hair losses where we hairdressers Maroubra can be a great help for.
Sometimes hair loss is caused simply by sessional changing or during a stressful time in our life. Sometimes it relates back to our lifestyle, diet or other cases is hormonal or caused by a side effects of prescribed medication by your doctor.
Here at HAIR & SOUL we can offer for you a 3 step solution what has worked miracles for us and to our clients too.
When it comes to seeing results we always make sure that you will understand it is a commitment what will give you visible result in about 3-4 months time.
The reason behind it is, that it will take time until your follicle regenerates and will start to grow hair again…and it will take time until you actually will see your new growth hair, as it needs to be at least 1 cm long for you to start to notice.
I can tell you out of experience that the best time is when you start to see all those little hair start to stick out…and might say in a way is quiet annoying too as you cant really control them with any product :)… But you are so happy, you don’t even care about your “hair aura” sticking up to the air.
The three step solution we came up with and it has been tried and tested so many times, so we know it works, is:
- An Energizing shampoo where the active ingredient is pomegranate with energizing action gently cleanses the scalp while respecting the structure of the hair.
An intense stimulating action to prolong the life of the follicle and boost its proliferation.
A complex that acts directly on the dermal papilla, favouring the growth of stronger, more resistant hair.-45% of hair loss*
More resistance of the hair for 75% of the subjects*
+10% shine vs. main competitor on the professional market**Product tested on panel of 80% “stressed” subjects.
- Energizing lotion
An intensive energizing concentrate that revives the follicle by stimulating the hair fibre, making it stronger and more resistant through a Hot-Ice effect. - A capsule called Hair Tonic which has only 8 natural ingredients.
The combination of these products are giving us great results.
On the photo you can see the result after 3 month of using the combination of these products.
If you think we can help you, please do not hesitate to contact to us. We love solving hair problems and helping you to feel a million times better about your hair.